C.D.K (PTY) LTD is committed to the FIDIC policy statement on Quality Management in the Civil engineering industry and the company is quality oriented. Quality Management, as opposed to Quality Control, is advocated in that it implements a process of “plan, do, check, act” that is an on-going function encompassing the everyday activities of the company with quality control and quality assurance being merely a part of the cycle.
Our Quality Management is based on the principle that quality cannot be inserted into a finished product or service, but rather should be built at each step.The process demands that errors and wasted effort be prevented by striving to “get it right the first time” and demonstrating that careful attention to the project start-up planning phases can yield potential significant savings to the client.
C.D.K’s technical staff is constantly aware of the Quality Management process and the company policy requires that all the critical construction stages of any project on site must undergo an internal check and approval before external supervisors can be called for a final inspection.The following diagram shows how our quality system operates.
C.D.K (PTY) LTD would address the essential elements of Quality Management namely: